Sediment Watershed Planning
and Restoration
The third working group was tasked with identifying sediment sources in the watershed upstream of Willwood Dam and pursuing voluntary restoration projects to mitigate those sources and the amount of sediment that reaches the Shoshone River. Between 2017 and 2019, the group developed a watershed plan in the form of two ArcGIS Story Maps, which can be accessed at the links below:
- Working Together to Protect the Shoshone River
- Sediment Watershed Plan for the Shoshone River from Buffalo Bill Reservoir to Willwood Dam
Working Group 3 continues to meet regularly and is now working to implement action items from the watershed plan by pursuing grant opportunities to continue water quality monitoring, project planning and implementation, and education/outreach activities. Please refer to the “News” tab for information about past accomplishments and current activities.
Work Group 3 participation remains open to all interested parties. Questions regarding Work Group 3 efforts can be directed to Carmen McIntyre, Powell Clarks Fork Conservation District Watershed Coordinator, at 828-674-8541 or [email protected].