Working Groups
The June 2017 Willwood Dam Advisory Committee and Working Groups Terms of Reference outline the purpose of the Willwood Dam Executive Committee and the objectives of the three working groups established by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee and working groups will work with stakeholders to identify solutions to achieve the following short- and long-term objectives: (1) restoring aquatic life and habitat damaged due to the 2016 release of accumulated sediment from the Willwood Dam reservoir into the Shoshone River and (2) reduce and/or eliminate future need to release accumulated sediment from the dam in amounts and of duration that are harmful to aquatic life and the aquatic and riparian habitats below the dam.
- Executive Committee: The purpose of the Executive Committee is to facilitate and oversee the development of plans and schedules to implement preferred options that address the objectives noted above. The committee consists of one representative from DEQ (chair), Bureau of Reclamation, Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Wyoming Water Development Office, and Willwood Irrigation District.
- Working Group 1: The short-term objective is to restore, through removal of accumulated sediment and solid waste, the aquatic and riparian environment of the Shoshone River below Willwood Dam impacted by the 2016 release of sediment during repairs on the dam. For more information on Working Group 1, see the 2017 River Cleanup and Flushing Flow tab in this website.
- Working Group 2: The long-term objective is to provide Willwood Irrigation District the water they need while minimizing harmful impacts to aquatic life and the aquatic and terrestrial habitats below the dam. This will entail an evaluation of the need to stabilize or remove accumulated sediment above Willwood Dam and manage sediment that is captured in the future. For more information about Working Group 2, see the Dam Operations tab in this website.
- Working Group 3: The long-term objective is to reduce the volume of sediment that accumulates at Willwood Dam through implementation of voluntary, best management practices (BMPs) designed to reduce the introduction of sediment into the Shoshone River above Willwood Dam. For more information about Working Group 3, see the Sediment Watershed Planning and Restoration tab in this website.